Public participation enhances and protects civic

We will promote participation in public life by rights holders and organizations.
Participation in public life is a fundamental principle of human rights. Participation
also improves the efficacy of political systems, as well as policy development and
implementation. Civil society space is therefore a threshold issue, not only for human rights, but also for development and peace and security more broadly. When civil society sits at the table, policy-making is more informed, effective and sustainable. Each advance in protecting civic space has a positive ripple effect for communities and individuals and their rights. Civic space and civil society participation make critical contributions to the effective prevention of conflict and the fight against impunity and corruption. Jailing critics and suppressing peaceful dissent does not make societies safer: it drives legitimate and constructive opinion underground and deepens grievances. The freedom to speak out to criticize government policies and demand government accountability accelerates innovation and economic progress.

Security and Protection of Human Rights is enhanced

We will enhance security and protection of Human Rights Defenders against attacks. We know that civil society actors, including those who operate in grassroots communities are facing a push back across Uganda. Attacks on human rights defenders, including environmental activists, continue and in many places are
worsening. Inequalities and discrimination are among the main obstacles that prevent people from exercising their right to participate. For historically marginalized
groups, space that was already limited is shrinking further. While new technologies
and interconnectedness have helped civil society networks to grow, including across
borders, they have also created new excuses to control civil society movements and
speech, often under security pretexts.

Civic Space Coalitions at Different levels are established

We will build Civic Space Coalitions at different levels that will work to protect civic
space and those who stand up for human rights; strengthen monitoring of civic space; build public recognition of the role of civic space; engage different actors like
security forces and NGOs monitoring committees to provide a conducive
environment for civil society organizations to organize, associate and express themselves freely without any hindrances; Change repressive behavior by the
security forces and NGOs monitoring committees against CSOs involved in human
rights work and advocacy; bring together a variety of civil society organizations and
other actors at the district, region and national levels to promote civic space in

Civil society assistance to victims of human rights violations is strengthened.

We will increase our efforts to strengthen local networks to assist victims of human rights violations. We will make the work of networks better known; simplify the application process; expand partnerships with doctors, psychologists, social workers, lawyers and other professional groups, including national medical associations and bar associations; and develop tools on redress and rehabilitation, based on organizations’ experience, to build their capacity.

More systematic monitoring of the environment for civic space, including threats to it, takes place.

We will support and participate in local, national and global monitoring efforts on the enabling environment for civic space. We will facilitate the collection and exchange of relevant data, through online platforms, and the implementation of SDG indicator 16.10.1 (number of verified cases of killing, kidnapping, enforced disappearance, arbitrary detention and torture of journalists, associated media personnel, trade unionists and human rights advocates).

In this context, we will improve data-collection methodologies on civic space on and
offline; strengthen analytical, communication and advocacy tools that make effective
use of data to support civic space; build monitoring networks that include non-
traditional partners; and encourage all actors at all levels to support action to defend
civic space.

The UN system and international, regional and national mechanisms
provide increased, timely and effective protection to civil society organizations and individuals (including from reprisals).

In partnership with others, we will advocate for stronger protection of individuals and groups at risk and work with the UN system and international human rights mechanisms to do the same. We will monitor and report on cases of human rights violations against civil society actors, including reprisals against individuals for cooperating with the UN on human rights; and build on good practices of protection and replicate them. We will strive to increase the capacity of UN human rights mechanisms to protect all civil society actors and will reach out to partners outside the human rights sphere to help us do this.

Business, policy-makers and a public at large increasingly value and
support civic space.

We will collect evidence to show the value of civic space and participation, and challenge negative human rights narratives; develop targeted messages on the value of civic space; and promote public recognition of the legitimacy and contributions of human rights defenders. We will reach out to new audiences and
use our convening power to build support for civic space and participation.

The voice of people affected by decisions, particularly victims and those
who face discrimination, is more clearly heard.
We will advocate for the participation of civil society in decision-making processes at
all levels in different areas, inter alia in matters of development, peace and security,
the environment, and corruption. This will help to build stronger alliances around
civic space with specialized civil society groups. We will encourage use of
Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and social media to promote
broad-based consultations. We will help rights holders to build their capacity, assist
their organizations to participate effectively in decision-making processes, advocate
for their participation, and foster dialogue across movements for this purpose. In that
context, we will strive to ensure gender balance and increasingly involve women and

Public recognition that human rights and accountability make important
contributions to effective responses to violence, including terrorism and
violent extremism, increases.
We will gather evidence, including data, examples, and stories of resilience, that
shows the contributions that human rights make to effective responses to terrorism
and violent extremism. We will develop public campaigns, assist stakeholders to use
the evidence for their own advocacy, and form strategic partnerships to disseminate
our message and reach new audiences.

Stronger laws, policies and practices protect civic space, including
online, and the environment for civil society is increasingly safe and
We will support the adoption and implementation of laws and policies that protect
civic space and the right to participate. We will promote dialogue and participate in
law-making processes and develop guidelines on effective implementation of the
right to participate, that will target, inter alia, cities and local governments. In parallel,
with our partners, we will resist attempts to restrict civic space and support litigation
by, and access to justice for, civil society actors. As civic space and participation
increasingly move online, we will develop and advocate for application of the human
rights framework to the digital space.